Thursday, November 3, 2011

The Whispers Diary

Tuesday, November 2, 2011
A New Career Shift

I am going through yet another career shift. I sense that through the voices that enter my mind and the changes in my physical existence.

For 15 years I have had the pleasure of designing websites. I recalled how I made the shift into web design back in 1996. I recalled feeling glorious,empowered, and things just came into place. After 10 years of working in the biological sciences as a lab technician I finally felt alive. I recalled taking a strong interest in using this new thing called 'the internet' to publish a book that I've written. I had a hard time finding publishers and agents, so I thought about trying self-publishing.

A cousin then bought me an HTML book and that was it, a new career started. I began creating websites originally for the entertainment industry, specifically independent film directors and music composer. This career has allowed me to know new people and I have traveled many miles. I don't really want to leave it like the way I left biology. If I do, I will leave it with much gratitude. Most likely, however, I will create the school as a way of giving back to this career. Now a new shift is happening. A powerful one. I knew web design would lead me closer to Hollywood. I am the webmaster for the Scriptwriter's Network. That brought me closer to two important people: (1) Barrett Sanders of Fellowship Studios and (2) Manny Steinberg, a holocaust survivor. These two great individuals entered into my life because of my affiliation with SWN.

Today a client of mine, American Custom Coach now want to create an infomercial with me being the writer. My gut feeling tells me that I am going to be involved in making film. I ended the night planning my new website,'enlight and'. This is a website where people can share stories of inspiration in hopes that it may be turned into a book or script.

Now a shift is happening again. I have people coming in wanting me to help write and produce their stories. I am a story teller. That is what I want to do for the rest of my life. I’m allowing this shift to happen because I felt the vibes happening. It has always been my desire and my purpose. I am here to enliven the lives that I touch.

Now I realize that money is important because I have a family to feed. However, at the same time I realize that God will provide. Money will come and it come in heaps.

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