1st Verse
The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao.
The name that can be named is not the eternal name.
The Tao is both named and nameless.
As nameless it is the origin of all things; as named it is the Mother of 10,000 things.
Ever desireless, one can see the mystery; ever desiring, on sees only the manifestations.
And the mystery itself is the doorway to all understanding.
Wayne Dyer's - Living the Wisdom of the TAO
My Interpretation
The Tao (also known as the Dao (Dow) is Chinese for 'the way.' These are groups of verses written by the Chinese prophet Lao Tzu. These verse, once understood, can change lives and offer a whole new reason behind the thinking of existence.
My interpretation on the first verse is that the Tao is an understanding, it is a way. It is not something to be seen or read. It is a mystical connection to the universe based on the thoughts. That is the understanding, or 'named' version. To live it, is nameless. One begins the manifesting more to their lives when all desires are gone.
Ever desiring, one sees only the manifestations. This means you witness the limits or the Mother of 10,000 things. You will see a finite portion of your goals.
Ever desireless, one can see the mystery. You become the source. Things manifest because of you. You become the origin of all things.
This is what Jesus meant when he asked the rich man to give up all possessions (materialism) and follow him (spirit). Less is more. By not competing with oneself or others, and living in spirit with no attachments is the best way to manifest dreams.
In my life, I decided to let go wanting to be famous, wanting to be an actor, wanting to be wealthy, and wanting to be worshiped. I am experiencing a sense of freedom from the competition. Instead I focus on being of service, being a teacher, and being a good husband and father to my family.